Our Programs


z & Golden Z Clubs

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Women in Business Scholarship

The Women in Business Scholarship (formerly JMK -Jane M Klausman) program helps women pursue undergraduate and master's degrees in business management and overcome gender barriers from the classroom to the boardroom.

The program operates at the Zonta club, district/region and international levels. Zonta annually awards up to 32 scholarships of US$2,000 each at the district/region level and six international scholarships in the amount of US$8,000 each.

Applications must be received by a local Zonta club.

Source: https://www.zonta.org/Web/O†ur_Programs/Education/Women_in_Business/Web/Programs/Education/Women_in_Business_Scholarship.aspx?hkey=5fb4f07a-f30d-42ad-bb53-7cb802f1eb7c

Zonta Young Women in Leadership Award

The Zonta Young Women in Leadership Award, which recognizes young women, ages 16-19, for demonstrating leadership skills and commitment to public service and civic causes, and encourages them to continue their participation in public and political life.

The program operates at the Zonta club, district/region and international levels. Zonta clubs provide awards for club recipients, and district/region and international awards are funded by the Zonta Foundation for Women. The Zonta Club of Brampton-Caledon award is $500 CAD

Source: https://www.zonta.org/Web/Our_Programs/Education/Copy_of_Young_Women_in_Public_Affairs_Award/Web/Programs/Education/Young_Women_in_Public_Affairs_Award.aspx?hkey=95bdfa33-5efe-457e-b3bb-9e9e59500161

Women in STEM Scholarship

In 2019 and 2021, Zonta International was pleased to support the Zonta International Women in Technology Scholarships to encourage women to pursue education, career opportunities and leadership roles in information technology. In June 2022, the Zonta International membership voted to continue the program with an expanded focus on all STEM fields, not only technology. With this change, the Zonta International Board approved a name change and will offer the Zonta International Women in STEM Scholarship for the third cycle of the scholarship program.

The program operates at the Zonta club, district/region and international levels. Each Zonta district/region may submit one applicant for consideration for an international scholarship.  A single candidate from each of Zonta’s 31 districts and one region will receive an award of US$5,000 from Zonta International. 

Source: https://www.zonta.org/Web/Our_Programs/Education/Women_in_STEM_Scholarship/Web/Programs/Education/Women_in_STEM_Scholarship.aspx?hkey=93b52ab5-ef2f-401b-8774-b6143ad02da1

Zonta Says No Award

The Zonta Says No Award honours an individual with exemplary contributions to their community for the betterment of women and girls. Their leadership, experience, commitment, initiative and achievements are uniquely outstanding and affect or work for change.

Individuals may nominate deserving candidates as an individual or a group. Click below for more details on Award Qualification and Nomination. Click here if you’re ready to fill out the nomination form! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rsd77sgVNiw0q4dBKD3QkHjAH2xZe3Dh/view?usp=drive_link