Find your goldilocks of volunteering

At a recent club meeting, President Kim Johnston brought up the idea of ‘finding your goldilocks of volunteering’. It was a blinding flash of the obvious but a needed message: not too much, not too little, just the right amount for YOU.

Volunteering with the Zonta Club of Brampton Caledon is just one piece of the puzzle for all of our members. Our tapestry of experience is what makes us special. Some of us work full time, and some of us are retired. Some of us have kids at home, and some of us are empty nesters. Some of us are busy with business, and some of us are traveling with pleasure. Some of us are caring for the generation before us, and some of us are raising the next.

Our differences are our strengths. And the amount that we have to give to the club will naturally ebb and flow. What remains the same, is the love and support we have for one another.

If you’re considering becoming a member, we would be lucky to have you! And we’re here to help you find your ‘just right’.


Raising funds for women in peel